BDR Automotive

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1605 Washington St

MON – FRI: 8 AM – 5 PM
Closed for Lunch 12-1 pm

chrissy owner - woman in automotive
BDR Automotive

BDR Automotive

Woman in Automotive Focuses on Community as Family

As BDR Automotive grew, owner Brian Rossini knew he needed someone to help with the business side of things so he could concentrate on fixing cars, which is his passion. It’s been four years since he asked his wife, Chrissy, to join him and assist with the business side of BDR.  Chrissy always wanted to be more involved in the family business to help it grow to a new level and is a spectacular woman in automotive.

She said, “I know nothing about cars and not much more about business!”  … But, together, she and Brian came up with a plan to redefine the automotive experience at their shop to provide a total satisfaction solution promise to all customers. Treating each customer like family and carrying out the Rossini family tradition. Their motto: “Let our family take care of your family!”

The Best of Both Worlds: A Woman in Automotive and a Mother

Chrissy’s first priority was raising her young children and being home with them in their first few years. She learned what she needed to know by taking on-line and in-person business classes. She joined networking groups and met with other wives who were helping to manage their husbands’ businesses.

She realized that her position was the best of both worlds. She could be home with her kids in the afternoon and work from home. She could go into the shop but be available when her children needed her. “The balance works out perfectly for me. I love being a wife and mother, but I realized I needed something more.”

A Focus on the Customer

Chrissy grew up in Marlboro and studied sociology at Framingham State University. She admits, “I don’t know much about cars! … and that’s a good thing. I leave fixing the cars to the mechanic genius in the family: Brian. I run the business end and my focus is on the customer. I believe that it is key for a customer to be able to come into BDR Automotive and feel comfortable, even if they know nothing at all about cars. I identify with that and think, ‘What would make me feel comfortable?’  I focus on communicating in a language that our customers understand.” Although Chrissy may not know much about cars, she is still a top woman in automotive.

“We also have highly trained staff that communicates with our customers through every step of their car repair process to ensure understanding.”

She learned about the technical side of the business by being around the mechanics and walking through the shop. She knows about digital vehicle inspections and how they help the customer understand the “how and why” behind recommended repairs and services. Customers can get the results including pictures, videos, and notes sent to their email or right on their phones.  They can read about the inspection at their leisure and form questions to ask our Service Advisor, who explains that this preparation helps them to feel at ease and builds trust.

One other important factor for Chrissy is that the shop looks and feels inviting. The staff works hard to sanitize and clean regularly. The waiting area is decorated seasonally and has goodie bags for all our customers. The bathrooms are kept clean, the parking lot is lit up for evening and early morning pick up and drop offs, and BDR often provides refreshments, and free WiFi for waiting customers.

Brian says, “Chrissy has the innate ability to step into the shoes of our customers – females as well as males and older folks – and have them feel safe coming in. She makes sure there is no debris in front of the door, minimal snow or ice in the winter. She insisted that we have three loaner cars so customers are not without a vehicle when their cars are serviced. The loaner vehicles are smoke- and pet-free because she is mindful of those with allergies.”

Chrissy is also aware that the younger customers communicate more often using messaging and email. She listens to the customers to be able to give them what they want. She says, “That’s my job – to have my eyes and ears open at all times to make things better for our customers and staff.”

Being a Woman in Automotive: A Vision Achieved

She explained that when Brian opened BDR Automotive, his vision was to create a shop with a reputation that reputed the negative stereotypes. All the mechanics wear gloves all the time so that no grease gets on vehicle steering wheels (or anywhere else). They put mats down so their shoes won’t dirty the car floors.

Brian has succeeded in creating the shop of his vision, as evidenced by these customer comments:

Stephen H says: “How many times have Brian and his team saved the day for me? Too many to count! I know where to turn if I’m in need with my trucks, personal vehicles, or equipment and that is a great feeling.” (2/15)

Pat D says: “These guys are bringing great customer service to the auto repair industry. Beyond technical knowledge, they are pleasant, transparent, and honest. From the first phone call on, they delivered as promised.” (5/13)

Family and Community Matter

Chrissy is proud of BDR’s commitment to family and community. Brian and Chrissy have three children, who attend school in Holliston. AJ is thirteen and has his challenges with Autism. He loves computers and technology and wants to run the BDR Automotive YouTube channel. He enjoys playing musical instruments and is very interested in video game programming. BDR does annual fundraising for an organization close to their hearts: Autism Speaks.

Gabby, age 7, is the Rossini family “Little Princess.” She loves gymnastics, and dancing. She is very passionate and tuned into her emotions, says her mom. “We can’t get anything past her – she is extremely clever.”

Mason is 5 years old and as Chrissy puts it, “My wild child! He is the spitting image of his dad and wants to do everything he does. Brian likes to four-wheel and Mason wants to ride everything — he is fearless! I’m surprised he hasn’t broken a bone or two already.”

What is most important to Chrissy and Brian is to raise their kids to be “kind and respectful and to treat each other well … to love each other.”

In what spare time Chrissy has, when she isn’t busy running the shop and being the woman in automotive, she loves to play volleyball. In fact, she makes time to play once a week and she has done so for years. “Volleyball is great exercise and it allows me to shut off my brain for a few hours. I enjoy myself thoroughly on the volleyball court,” she says.

In addition, Chrissy loves to read; she has a rescued terrier mix dog named Milo who is about ten years old. She is a study in living her beliefs – that family and community involvement are key to a full and satisfying life. She believes it. She lives it. She loves it.

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