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Oil being poured into a vehicle during an oil change at BDR Automotive in Holliston, MA.
BDR Automotive

BDR Automotive

The Dangers of Delaying Your Vehicle’s Oil Change

That little decal in the upper left corner of your windshield tells you when you last had an oil change and when the next oil change is due. The problem is that it is easy to ignore, but putting off getting your oil changed can be risky business.


Oil Change 101

A routine oil change is one of the most important maintenance routines that you can do for your vehicle. Every engine needs oil and every vehicle has its own requirements about the type of oil to use, whether it is conventional oil, synthetic, a blend, or high-mileage oil. 

Your vehicle engine has many moving parts. The piston assembly and the connecting rods move against each other, and the resulting friction creates heat. Your vehicle’s oil lubricates the engine while absorbing the heat emitted. This allows the internal components of the engine to work together efficiently without overheating.

Over time, the engine oil will break down and wear out. This causes the oil to become less effective at lubricating the engine parts and absorbing heat. Regular oil changes are required to maintain a clean oil filter and the appropriate amount of clean oil for optimal vehicle performance. If you wait too long for an oil change, the oil turns into dirty sludge and the engine must work harder. It loses its lubrication and decreases heat absorption.


What can go wrong?


Here are five things that can go wrong by delaying or ignoring your next oil change:


  1. You may void your vehicle’s warranty. New cars must be maintained based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, or you may void the warranty, leaving you without remedy if something major happens.
  2. Without the proper heat absorption and lubrication, the engine components will push and grind against each other. This leads to warping the engine parts, causing the engine to seize. There is no fix to this and may result in a full engine replacement.
  3. If you delay changing the oil long enough, the heat buildup from oil that has turned to sludge can lead to complete engine shutdown. As a result, a brand-new engine or new car may be needed.
  4. You risk a blown head gasket, which will stop the engine in its tracks. Fixing a blown head gasket is a costly matter, depending on the age and value of your vehicle. Many times, the entire engine will need replacing.
  5. Dirt and debris contribute to a decrease in the engine’s power and driving performance. Regular oil changes help keep the engine clean.

How often do the oil and filter need to be changed?

Most newer cars are equipped with oil-life monitoring systems that automatically determine when an oil change is needed. An alert on the instrument panel will tell you when. Your owner’s manual provided by the vehicle manufacturer will also give guidelines for regular oil changes. 

The “rule of thumb” is to change your oil every 3,000 miles. Some automobile manufacturers suggest a longer interval, such as 5,000 miles or longer if you use a synthetic oil.  How often you change the oil is based on the vehicle’s age, make, model, and how many miles you regularly drive.


What needs to be done between oil changes?

If you have a newer car and the recommended space between oil changes is less frequent, it is key that you check the oil level monthly. Top off the oil, if needed to maintain proper oil levels. Take note of the vehicle’s oil color. It should be a clear, brown-black color. If the oil is murky or milky, service is needed immediately.


BDR Automotive Oil Change Special!

Here’s another reason to schedule your oil change now:  A synthetic oil change is yours at BDR Automotive for only $49.95 (an $80 value). Request your appointment today!

If you have questions about your vehicle’s oil change requirements or want to chat about any maintenance needed for your car or truck, call or text BDR Automotive at (508) 429-4720 or use our Contact Us form.


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