BDR Automotive

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DVI - vehicle inspection - The mechanic uses a tablet to check the engine.
BDR Automotive

BDR Automotive

See What We See with DVI

DVI (Digital Vehicle Inspection) is a diagnostic tool that allows both technicians and customers alike to see what is going on inside the vehicle. 

Do you really need a new air filter now, or can it wait awhile when you have more time or have planned for the extra expense? Digital Vehicle Inspections give you a “bird’s eye view” to see what’s what. Pictures can let you see for yourself and make an educated decision.  Customers have told us, “Oh, my, that is gross! I had no idea that it was so dirty!” 

Old, but True

In 1913, Henrik Ibsen coined the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and it is never truer when explaining to customers what automotive mechanics see that needs to be fixed or replaced. The truth is in the pictures, videos, and written reports. The DVI clearly states what needs to be fixed now; what should be fixed soon, and what can wait until next time.

At BDR Automotive, a DVI is comprehensive and complimentary no matter the reason you bring your vehicle in for service. We will complete a digital inspection and give you a written report. Each system is rated Green, Yellow, or Red, which tells you the severity of the issue and when you should schedule the necessary maintenance.

Typical Problem Areas for a DVI

You will want to avoid emergency situations and a DVI can give you advance warning of problem areas that may be lurking:

  • Belts that need changing
  • Worn and unsafe tire tread
  • Brakes that need attention
  • Low battery power
  • A failing exhaust system
  • Shock absorbers that need replacing

An ideal time for a Digital Vehicle Inspection is prior to a State vehicle inspection so you get a heads-up of any problems that may surface during the inspection. If you are purchasing a used vehicle, schedule a DVI to learn about any hidden problem areas. You can have a DVI whenever you come to BDR Automotive for whatever reason … for an oil change, low tire pressure, or to inspect your tires. A BDR Automotive DVI includes photos or video of any problem detected along with a written report so you and your technician will see the problem first-hand.

If you have questions about our BDR Automotive Digital Inspection, call our service department or make an appointment call 508-429-4720, or contact us on our website.

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