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Ask Brian: why are my almost brand new tires losing air?
BDR Automotive

BDR Automotive

Ask Brian: Why are my almost brand new tires losing air pressure?

You just bought brand new tires, and what seems like one day, the tires start to leak air, and the tire pressure light comes on. We sat with Brian, Owner and Head Technician at BDR Automotive, and asked: why are my almost brand new tires losing air pressure?

On most new cars, the rims are made of aluminum and over time the aluminum starts to corrode. The most common place to find this corrosion is on the surface where the rubber tire seals against the wheel rim.

When tires are replaced, the often overlooked step is spending the time to properly clean the rim and prep it for the new tire to seal against. This step takes time and patience to get the surface clean and smooth. Then that surface should be treated with a bead sealer to further protect the seal between the tire and the rim.

Unfortunately, when speed is valued over the final product, steps that are critical can be skipped. My best advice is to go to a reputable shop that will take the time to do the work right the first time. – Brian Rossini, Owner & Head Technician at BDR Automotive

Some Other Reasons Why New Tires are Losing Air Pressure

If the wheel seal is secure, there may be other reasons for a tire to lose air pressure. The first place to check is the valve stem. Perhaps the valve stem was damaged or is of poor quality. You may need to replace the valve with a new one. It could also be that the valve core is too tight, which can cause air to leak and why brand new tires are losing air pressure. 

If the wheel has been damaged due to hitting the curb or if the vehicle was involved in an accident, air pressure can drop.

Of course, driving over a nail or sharp object can puncture a tire and air may leak out slowly as well. The puncture may not be immediately visible, so the vehicle should be taken to a service center to be looked at carefully.

Temperature Changes

A change in the weather can also cause tire pressure to decrease. Cold air contracts and the air pressure drops. Statistically, every 10°F drop in temperature reduces pressure by about one psi.

To be certain that your tires are always operating at the correct air pressure, use a tire gauge that you can purchase at any auto supply store. Unscrew the valve cover and place the gauge firmly over the valve. Check the reading to be sure it matches the recommended tire pressure for your car’s make and model. You can find that information in your owner’s manual.

If you have concerns about the air pressure in your tires, contact BDR Automotive at (508) 429-4720 or by email, or on our contact page.  If you have a question for Ask Brian at BDR Automotive, send us an email and we’ll be sure to answer it in our blog.

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